Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, Tri

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Literature & Fiction,Genre Fiction

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, Tri Details

The classic collaboration from the internationally bestselling authors Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, now an original series starring Michael Sheen and David Tennant."Good Omens . . . is something like what would have happened if Thomas Pynchon, Tom Robbins and Don DeLillo had collaborated. Lots of literary inventiveness in the plotting and chunks of very good writing and characterization. It’s a wow. It would make one hell of a movie. Or a heavenly one. Take your pick."—Washington PostAccording to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (the world's only completely accurate book of prophecies, written in 1655, before she exploded), the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. Just before dinner.So the armies of Good and Evil are amassing, Atlantis is rising, frogs are falling, tempers are flaring. Everything appears to be going according to Divine Plan. Except a somewhat fussy angel and a fast-living demon—both of whom have lived amongst Earth's mortals since The Beginning and have grown rather fond of the lifestyle—are not actually looking forward to the coming Rapture.And someone seems to have misplaced the Antichrist . . .



Quand un ange et un dmon, depuis trop longtemps sur terre et ne voulant pas la perdre, s'entraident (comme ils le peuvent et avec l'aide plus ou moins volontaire et plus ou moins adapte de toute une galerie de personnages tous plus farfelus les uns que les autres) pour viter l'apocalypse.Avec la crativit et l'humour dcapant des deux auteurs. Un must.Il parat qu'une adaptation en mini srie TV british va sortir en 2019, avec notamment David Tennant, miam miam !


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