Weather (Collins Wild Guide)

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Outdoors & Nature,Environment

Weather (Collins Wild Guide) Details

The weather's impact on our world is more apparent than ever, and the weather affects nearly everything that we do. But how is the weather forecast, and how do you read weather maps? Weather answers these questions and many more, helping you to understand what's happening in the sky. Highly illustrated with photographs, satellite images, and diagrams, this is the perfect introduction to our ever-changing weather. How to identify cloud types and other atmospheric phenomena How wind and weather systems move and develop Why weather differs from region to region Essential facts on storms, tornadoes, and hurricanesPublished in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, America's foremost authority in history, science, and art.



livre anglophone broch souple format poche rcent (2006) consacr au temps; aprs une vingtaine de pages d'introduction, l'ouvrage aborde en dix chapitres ingaux l'ensemble des problmes ayant trait la mtorologie:n1: types de nuages (66 pages)n2: formation des nuages(26p)n3: phnomnes inhabituels (10p)n4: effets d'optique (32p)n5: couleurs du ciel (14p)n6: prcipitations (14p)n7: vents, dpressions et anticyclones (36p)n8: mauvais temps (16p)n9: satellites (8p)n10:prvision mto (6p)glossaire, bibliographie et index en fin d'ouvrage;ce petit guide moderne et bien illustr ravira tous les nophytes souhaitant s'initier sans se dcourager cette science assez hermtique


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